Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Best Acne Medication

For no reasons, no one really understand how acne appears unexpectedly in any parts of the body. To eliminate this skin problem, looking for the best acne medication is the best way.

Those who are affected of this skin problem seek the help of a dermatologist, skin expert, so that they will be well-informed and to be advised of what is the best acne medication. Or in some instances they just directly go to the available drugstores. The best medication depends upon the condition of the acne.

It may be either the affected have moderate to severe acne with deep pimples on the skin or just only mild condition of acne and just rarely got pimples.

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If the condition of the acne is only mild and just rarely got pimples, then a topical medication may be the best medication. Topical medication means there is no need of experts’ prescription. This medication includes the appropriate use of lotions, creams and non-irritating soap prior to the skin type. Dermatologists also advised the Light Acne Medication for this condition. This medication advised to try a 2.5% benzoyl peroxide gel which actually can buy over-the-counter. According to some clinical studies, stronger content of benzoyl peroxide is not advisable because it may cause irritation. Though irritation occurs, it’s fine to add salicylic acid cream. The salicylic acid helps to increase the penetration of benzoyl peroxide to the pore.

On the other hand, if the condition of the acne is moderate to severe, the dermatologists prscribed both topical medication and oral antibiotics. Since acne is a complex condition that involves male sex hormones (androgen), taking of oral antibiotics is recommended. In addition, the affected person with acne problem also takes supplements rich in vitamin A and zinc.

It’s a fact too, that one of the known over-the-counter oral medication and consider also as the “acne miracle drug” for this skin problem is Accutane (Isotretinoin). It is also sometimes called RoAccutane. It was discovered on 1979 and was first tested by a 21-year old female with a severe acne/ This was also actually made by Roche Pharmaceuticals®.Though the price of the product is expensive but the result is effective in which as weeks by weeks, little by little too the acne eliminates. This pill form is usually orally take for 15 to 20 weeks. However, the oral intake of this pill has side effects, range from mild and reversible to life-threatening in rare cases.

Based on the clinical studies, the following are the side effects:
  • reduces the size of the skin’s oil glands
  • vision problems
  • nose bleed
  • hair overgrowth in women
  • severe allergy
  • inflammation of the lips
  • bleeding and inflammation of the gums
  • rash (including eczema)
  • nail abnormalities
  • joint, muscle and back pain
  • acute long-lasting arthritis
  • headaches
  • Alopexia (bald spots on the hair scalp)
  • depression
  • hearing impairment
  • abnormal menstruation for women
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Thus, if you observe that there’s something already unusual pimples or acne appear in any parts of your body, you should be conscious. There’s always best medication for acne problem. Find ways to prevent as early as much as possible.

Are You Looking For Natural Acne Treatment?

If your answer to the above question is yes, then I strongly recommend that you pick up this Acne No More.

This regularly updated, essential guide includes information that allows you to discover what you absolutely must know about acne treatment – Especially if you are really trying hard to cure your acne…Click here to go check it out now!
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